Geraldo: Trump’s Right Comey’s a Leaker, Whether He’s a Liar Remains to Be Seen

‘[Trump] is trying so hard to be a great president and make America great again’


GERALDO: "In terms of Comey and the book and the president’s bitter feelings about it, it is obvious that Comey by going to the Columbia professor leaking, you know, vital information that was secret information, confidential information, doj information, to the professor at Columbia and then to the 'New York Times', he is a leaker. The president is absolutely right about that whether or not he a liar remains to be seen. We’ll test his version of the facts when we see them against the historic record. All I can say that the president, I’ve known him forever. I sympathize with him. I understand how, how frustrated he must be. He is trying so hard to be a great president and make America great again and all the rest of it, 45th president of the United States. Only the 45th man to hold that darn office and here he is totally distracted by things that, you know, porn stars and payoffs to playboy playmates. Things of that nature really have nothing to do with running of the country." 

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