Rep. Long to Zuckerberg: ‘What Was FaceMash and Is It Still Up and Running?’

‘No Congressman, FaceMash was a prank website that I launched in college, in my dorm room, before I started Facebook’

LONG: "— and I think you need to be concerned about. One question I’d like to ask before I go into my questioning is, what was FaceMash, and is it still up and running?"
ZUCKERBERG: "No, congressman, FaceMash was a prank website that I launched in college in my dorm room before I started Facebook. There was a movie about this, or it said it was about this. It was unclear truth. And the claim that FaceMash was somehow connected to the development of Facebook — it isn’t. It wasn’t —"
LONG: "Just coincidental, the timing was the same, right, just coincidental?"
ZUCKERBERG: "It was in 2003. I took it down — actually, it has nothing to do with Facebook."
LONG: "You put up pictures of two women and decide which was the more attractive of the two, is that right?"
ZUCKERBERG: "Congressman, that is an accurate description of the prank website that I made when I was a sophomore in college."

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