Kasich: ‘Of Course I Would Not Have Called’ Putin

‘This guy, he’s the worst’


KASICH: " Of course I wouldn't have called. We were joking —"
KEILAR: "What would you have said about his election win?"
KASICH: "In a dark way. Here’s the thing, like, wow, he’s pretty popular over there. Yeah, if you don’t support him, he figures out what they — look what they did in London. Look what he did to the gentleman on the bridge in Moscow. This guy, he’s the worst. He’s dictator. And the problem we have is when the United States retreats from the world you have the Chinese that know exactly what they want to do and they will work with great aggression to take power from us when there are vacuums, or the Russians and Vladimir Putin. They want to exploit our weaknesses and not just our weaknesses but the weaknesses of those in the west. This is very serious business and doesn’t mean we shouldn’t figure out a way to talk to them. They’ve got nuclear weapons. We’ve got to talk to them. But it is kind of — you know, to work in a way that is not very serious and to make it very clear to them what we will tolerate and what we will not is a big mistake."

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