Paul Ryan: Jim Jordan Is Wrong that Omnibus Spending Bill Is the ‘Worst Bill Ever’

‘Jim has never voted for any of these bills’


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JORDAN: "This may be the worst bill I have seen in my time in Congress. ... The American people didn’t elect Democrats to control the United States Congress, they elected Republicans. I don’t think we told the voters when we were running for job, and they gave us privilege to come here and serve that we were going to continue to fund Planned Parenthood. ... They said we were going to continue to fund this gateway earmark boondoggle project and not fund the border wall? ... You're going to see lots of conservatives vote against it because it's not what the American people want."
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KILMEADE: "But House Speaker Paul Ryan has a different view. He helped negotiate it. He met with the president yesterday as well and says, no, bill this size is perfect. And he believes if I can jump ahead and get into your mind a little bit, you believe Jim Jordan is wrong. This is not the worst bill ever. Why is he wrong, Mr. Speaker? Nice to see you. Good morning."
RYAN: "First of all good morning guys. Good to see you."
EARHARDT: "Good morning."
RYAN: "He is wrong. Look, Jim has never voted for any of these bills ever, I don’t expect him to do it anytime in the future. First of all, this doesn’t fund gateway and it does funds the wall. So let me just step back for a second. You know how long the funding bill lasts? Six months. Yeah, six months. This is not a 10-year bill, six months." 

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