Kurt Schlicter: California’s Sanctuary Policies Are an Attack on the Rule Law

‘Look, you can’t have two sets of laws’


SCHLICHTER: "Apparently so, in effect. Here’s the problem, mark. It’s one that worries the hell out of me. It’s an attack — this whole thing about illegal aliens is an attack on the rule of law. The rule of law is so critical. Our representatives passed a law. Remember how a bill becomes a law and you had the little dancing bill on Saturday morning it vmpleght and then the president signs it and it’s the law. You know, the people get a say. Remember that?
STEYN: "Yeah, yeah."
SCHLICHTER: "And when you don’t have that when you pass a law and then ignore it, you really have no rule of law. I’m a little sensitive about that. I deploy Kosovo. I was a lawyer at the time. I spent 16 months away from my firm helping put together that country after the civil war. I saw what happens when you lose the rule of law."

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