Parkland’s Hogg: The NRA ‘Continues To Terrorize Our Children and Hurt Our Future’

‘But once he met with the NRA, he’s no better than the rest of the politicians’


HOGG: "I think it’s a good step to make sure that we are taking action. I’m glad to see that, but it’s important to realize that Betsy Devos paid for her position. She doesn’t have experience in the area or support public schools, paid over $200 million just to get this title, and I think she’s not the right person for this. If we went to the doj and had a special commission that way, perhaps, it’s a better way to investigate the incidents and investigate them like an airplane crash, spending months on end researching how this stuff happens, but we can’t do that because the CDC can’t research the areas because of the amendments and lobbying of NRA on trump. Glad to see he did take action and seemed to take a lot of steps in the right direction, but once he met with the NRA, he’s no better than the rest of the politicians because he’s owned by them too. Showing the action that the lobbyist organization continues to terrorize our children and hurt our future."

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