ABC’s Jon Karl: This Week Trump’s ‘Been Winning’

‘Any gambler knows big bets could lead to great losses’

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KARL: Good morning. I hope you had a good week. And what a week it was here in Washington, what a week for President Donald Trump. I’ve covered the Trump presidency since day one. And this week, like so many before, featured a big resignation, controversy, infighting and chaos.

But there was also something else: Donald Trump, a president who likes to gamble, who plays to win, well, this week he’s been winning.


TRUMP: I think we’re doing a good job for you. I hope so. We’re working hard.

KARL: President Trump riding high imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum two days after his chief economic adviser resigned.

TRUMP: He may be a globalist, but I still like him.

KARL: Defying the world and at the same time keeping his word.

TRUMP: I’m delivering on a promise I made during the campaign.

KARL: Some of the biggest critics of the move: leaders of his own party.

REP. PAUL RYAN, (R) WISCONSIN: You have a lot of unintended consequences. You’ll have a lot of collateral damage.

KARL: But despite those doom’s day predictions, the markets bounced back by the end of the week.

And an even bolder move: President Trump again took matters into his own hands, this time on North Korea, agreeing to meet with Kim Jong-un. He alone made the decision.

TRUMP: Who else could do it? I mean, honestly when you think. They’re not going to send missile up. Think of it.

KARL: And he took it upon himself to inform the media that a major announcement was coming. It’s a big risk.

SARAH RICE, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE UN: It risks the president’s credibility, the credibility of the United States and worse still I think it increases the risk of conflict.

KARL: But if the meeting happens, it just might be the kind of historic breakthrough this president craves.

And then there’s Stormy Daniels. The adult film actress who says she was paid $130,000 just before the election to stay quiet about her relationship with Donald Trump.

SANDERS: Look, the president has addressed these directly and made very well clear that none of these allegations are true.

KARL: For any other president, a scandal like this could be devastating. But for Trump, it seems just another chance to prove nothing is embarrassing or shocking enough to bring him down. So, as far as the West Wing is concerned, the president is right on track.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What words would you describe the president’s mood right now?

SANDERS: The president’s in a great mood. The president has been in a great mood because we’ve had not just a successful couple of days, we’ve had a successful year, and we’re very focused on making sure we have seven more.


KARL: Of course, any gambler knows big bets could lead to great losses. The tariffs he championed could trigger a trade war that tanks the economy. If the North Korea gambit fails, we could be pushed to the brink of war. And those scandals may eventually catch up with him.

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