Bill Richardson Praises Trump on N. Korea: ‘He’s Evolving into a Strategic Thinker’

‘What we don’t want to do is get trapped in a situation, a high-level negotiation where we’re not prepared’


RICHARDSON: "Well, I’m overwhelmed by what is happening. In the many years, the eight trips I’ve taken to North Korea, this is unorthodox and unprecedented. But I’m an optimist. This has never happened before. I don’t think we’re going to get an absolute goal of denuclearization. I think the president needs to temper that. But I’m opposed to 95 percent of what the president does on foreign policy, but on this one I’m supporting him. It’s risky. We’ve got to be properly prepared and we cannot underestimate Kim Jong un. He’s evolving into a strategic thinker, into a man with an end game, and what we don’t want to do is get trapped in a situation, a high-level negotiation where we’re not prepared, where we don’t have our best negotiators forward."

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