Manchin: Trump Will Protect 2nd Amendment Rights and Will Not Take Guns Away from Anybody

‘What he will do is hopefully support the Manchin-Toomey bill which has been around five years’


MANCHIN: "We’re still trying to navigate this and get a signal from the White House this is the direction they want to go. I still believe in my heart of hearts, Brian, I said this, the President wants something responsible and reasonable. He is the one person who will protect the Second Amendment rights. He will not take any guns away from anybody. What he will do is hopefully support the Manchin-Toomey bill which has been around for five years. All the law-abiding gun owners have had a chance to review it. All we do is shut down the loopholes on the gun shows and on the Internet and make it harder for criminal or terrorist to go into a gun show or on the Internet to get what they want to do armed. That's it. It makes a lot of sense."

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