Fox News: Central Michigan University Police Say at Least 2 Dead in Dormitory Shooting

‘We can confirm that two people have been killed and that this shooting at Central Michigan University’

SMITH: “Federal agents from the ATF are en route to Central Michigan University after reports of two people shot on campus. We're now getting word two people are dead. That just coming into our newsroom right now. It is a situation we have been monitoring. Central Michigan University, state police saying they're aware of an ongoing shooting happening there at Central Michigan. University faculty and staff on campus were sent emergency alerts in the 9:00 hour this morning that a shot had a been fired, specifically at Campbell Hall. You can see it on the map there. Officials are still looking for a black man, short hair, slight build, wearing yellow colored jeans, a blue hoodie and a gun-pistol tucked at his belt. That is the information that we have at this point. K-9 units are on campus, trying to track down this person. But we can confirm that two people have been killed and that this shooting at Central Michigan University. We will stay on this for you.”

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