Blumenthal: Kushner ‘Has Been Fatally Compromised By These Foreign Entanglements’

‘But there’s no question that Jared Kushner simply cannot continue in his present role’

BLUMENTHAL: "That will have to be determined in a briefing and possible damage control will follow his downgrading his stat us and his denial of access to top secret information. But there’s no question that Jared Kushner simply cannot continue in his present role. He has been fatally compromised by these foreign entanglements. The pressure his family holdings have encountered. The need to rely on foreign debt. His contacts with foreign leaders, and the intercepts of those contacts, which may have compromised him further. So there needs to be some work to determine whether or not secrets, our nation’s highly classified information, has been compromised as a result of these foreign entanglements. And his naivete."

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