Chris Murphy: We Have to Make Sure Kids that Are Mentally Ill Don’t Have Access to Assault Rifles

‘It’s only here that those kids turn to a weapon of mass destruction in order to deal with their demons’

TAPPER: "One of the programs that the Sandy Hook encourages schools to pay attention to students who may likely become school shooters, aggressive or violent behavior, fascination with firearms, self-harm all of which was exhibited by this shooter, shouldn’t that Sandy Hook promise lesson be instituted nationwide, you’re calling for more gun laws, that if that Sandy Hook, that uncontroversial Sandy Hook promise program were in every school maybe this could be avoided?"
MURPHY: "There’s this false contract created either you have to work on mental health or you have to focus on strengthening our gun laws. That’s not true. You need to do all of it. We need to be working to identify kids like Adam Lanza earlier in getting them help, you need to acknowledge that those kids with that profile exist in every single country around the world. It’s only here that those kids turn to a weapon of mass destruction in order to deal with their demons. So you have to do both."

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