Kurtz: ‘Knee-Jerk Reaction’ of the Left Is to Call Trump a ‘Sociopath’ and that the Shooting Is His Fault

‘The media reaction to yesterday’s shooting took a familiar pattern’


KENNEDY: "How do you think he handled the tragedy with the statement that he made today at the White House?"
KURTZ: "I watched it and I thought the President struck a good tone of sadness, sympathy, prayer and saying that we need to do more to stop these tragedies from happening. Now, it’s certainly fair to criticize that he didn’t specify what exactly he might do. But here's a tweet from CNN commentator Joe Walsh who calls the President a sociopath who can't even manage to mirror real human concern, compassion or grief. So there is that knee-jerk reaction on the left, you know 'Trump is blowing it, it’s his fault, it's the Republicans' fault.' It's just sad."

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