Romney: ‘I’m Not Running, I’m Not Planning on Running’

‘I’ve got nothing new on that story’

ROMNEY: " I think Jeb is an excellent person, could be a terrific president. I think that about a lot of the people who are running under Republican side, or who I think will get in. My guess is you're going to see fifteen or so people on the stage at the first debate. I don't know who they all are, but they will be on the stage."
HALPERIN: "If you don't see anybody you think can --"
ROMNEY: "Among those people we're going to find someone who catches fire, who ignites the interest of the Republican base, and you're going to see someone who can go on to become president. And that's why I said, 'Look, I am not running. I am not planning on running, and I got nothing new on that story."
HALPERIN: "All right.”
HEINEMANN: “And you left that door open a little bit. You said circumstances could change."
ROMNEY: "And then I went on to say, I'll not let my head go there. What I am focused on is making sure that we nominate the right person who cares about the kinds of issues I care about. So I'm going to work to try and encourage us as a party and as a group of candidates who are running. I want to help them recognize how important foreign policy is; how important it is to deal with our economy here at home; to create jobs, and deal with the looming issue of poverty. That's become a greater and greater issue over these last six years."

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