CNN’s Acosta on Trump Not Releasing Dem Memo: ‘This Was the Friday News Dodge’

‘Keep in mind, this was a memo that was going to seek to refute much of what was stated in the Nunes memo’


ACOSTA: "You heard of the Friday news dump. This was the Friday news dodge. The White House had the opportunity, and they were telling us all week long, listen, we’re treating the Schiff memo the same we treated the nunes memo. It’s going to go through vetting process with the intelligence community and so on. And the president did meet this afternoon with Chris ray as well as officials from the white House counsel’s office. But I think when this announcement came down it may have shocked a lot of people but it was not that surprising. Keep in mind, this was a memo that was going to seek to refute much of what was stated in the nunes memo. Remember the president was hold up the nunes, and all but waving it in the air a week ago saying it would vindicate all his comments and the Russia investigation. And we should point out this is from don Megan that basically lays out what the president’s rationale is on this. And we can put it up on-screen if we have that quote. Essentially it lays out what they’re saying this all boils down to. Because the memorandum contains numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages he is unable to do so at this time. We should also point out there’s another letter attached to this, Erin, that’s also from don Megan. It’s to Rod Rosenstein. The deputy attorney general has been on the hot seat in all this, instructing the justice Department to go along with the democratic members of the house intelligence committee and sort of lay out here are the passages and areas of concern in the Schiff memo that need to be addressed. The big question is can they ever come to an agreement in terms of what can be released? I did talk to a White House official here who said in the last couple of days that there were intelligence community concerns with all of this, but it appears I think it would be — I think it would be denying the obvious to say the biggest concerns are coming from the man in the oval office."!

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