Van Jones: ‘Something Wrong Right Now In The Country’ and We Need ‘a Rebirth of Courage’

‘we can barely do basic stuff anymore’


"It’s been a crazy week. I understand governing can be hard sometimes. Lots of things are hard sometimes. I have two boys in grade schools. Homework can be hard sometimes. When my older son struggles with mandarin, I don’t worry about it because it’s a tough subject. We are concerned about our government. We are messing up prekindergarten stuff. Approving a budget. Keeping America’s government open. Passing a bill to let the dreamers stay when the vast majority of Americans want the dreamers to stay. That’s baby stuff. That’s ABC stuff. I mean, this week Congress was able to end the second shutdown of America’s government in three weeks by passing a budget. But isn’t passing budgets just Congress’s job. That’s what they are supposed to be doing. If we were struggling over climate crisis, the wealth gap, world peace, I would understand. But we can barely do basic stuff anymore. And why is that? It’s because it would take real courage and real character for our leaders to just reach across the aisle, form a stable bipartisan government majority, governing majority, and get stuff done. Instead the leaders are doing the opposite. They are stoking up the outrage and anger in the country over and over again. For example, some of us had hoped that trump’s chief of staff John Kelly would bring some order to the chaos in the White House. Never mind. I mean, under his leadership, you know, the White House keeps trying to link the dreamers who are overwhelmingly law-abiding to despicable street game. How is that a strategy to bring people together and pass something? It doesn’t make any sense. And it’s worse than that. This week Kelly is out there accusing dreamers of being lazy and gets off their asses while he’s covering up for wife beater on his own staff. And then trump who never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity, heaped praise on the same wife beater but said nothing about the pain or courage of the two former wives who are speaking out. Look, that’s not hard to get right. This is the first week trump says he wants to have a military parade because they are doing it in France. Hypocrisy is every where. Not just Republicans, but they are mad we don’t have more shutdown. Republicans under Obama said deficits are terrible but now they love them to death. There is something wrong right now in the country H and what we need is a rebirth of courage, of character in the country."

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