Luis Gutierrez: Unless Pelosi Defeats Caps Deal, Her Marathon Speech Just a ‘Nice Gesture’

‘We have to stand up for our DREAM community’

TODD: “You seem obviously on one hand you're supportive of what Nancy Pelosi is trying to do, but do you think this is for show or something? You don't -- do you believe she's doing this to try to make up for giving in on the caps issue?”
GUTIERREZ: “Well, look, here is what -- let me just reiterate this. Here is my hope. That the same Nancy Pelosi that we have heard give this impassioned speech, filibuster, commentary on our dreamers and our immigration policy, I hope that is the same one that stands up at the democratic caucus tomorrow and said no to the democratic deal. If she does it, if sheerely says I'm going to vote against it, and allows the democratic Party and doesn't use the Democratic Party caucus for -- forcing which she could prevail to stop this deal, then it was a nice gesture but in the end the dream community is going to end on March 5th. They're work permits will go and the deportations will begin.”
TODD: “You do have -- there is some -- if you can't convince party leaders and one could argue that dick Durbin and chuck Schumer may be your bigger impediments here –“
TODD: “What do you say to your -- to your home state senator who is trying to be the guy on this.”
GUTIERREZ: “Here is what I'm saying. We have to stand up for our dream community. I'm a member of the house of representatives, chuck. I sat down with one person and that was Nancy Pelosi, less than a week ago and I remember what happened at that meeting and what she said. What she is saying on the house floor is consistent with that. Let us hope that tomorrow the Democratic Party doesn't say manna again. Because then what they have done is they have turned their backs on the dream community. Because the greatest point of leverage that we have right now, chuck, the must pass legislation is this budget. And lifting the caps –“
TODD: “So you will tell those that care about this issue, don't blame President Trump, Blake the Democrats or everybody in Washington, don't leave anybody –“
GUTIERREZ: “You know what, that is the problem in Washington, D.C. We have a Republican Party that says never, ever. And we have a Democratic Party that just won't say anything but manna, tomorrow. It has to be today and we have to stand up for the immigrant community in principle and the dreamers deserve -- how would I say -- the unabiding loyalty because you know what, chuck, in the last election, you might say there were fewer of this and fewer of that community voting. But there were many more Latinos every year, 1 million Latinos turn 18 years of age and they're watching Democratic Party. Don't turn your backs on them. And don't expect them the loyalty of that -- to party of the community.”

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