Fmr. RNC Chair Gives Dems Advice on How to Win Elections in California

‘They have to begin to get their folks on the ground to sort of whittle down that field and identify two or three, which is tough to do’


STEELE: "But it’s not a question of deciding who will win the nomination. You can look at a field of candidates and go, 'I’m sorry, you’re just taking up space,' and the other candidates who have a fighting chance to win the district. That’s a tough call for parties to make, but they do it all the time. You can’t just sit back and let these things unfold that way. As we’ve seen in previous elections, you get candidates that get the nomination that will not win it for you."
MITCHELL: "Final word, Stephanie?"
CUTTER: "I’m so glad the former RNC chair is giving us advice about how to win a race."

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