Rose McGowan on Sexual Abuse by Harvey Weinstein: ‘My Life Got Hijacked’

‘For years, that haunted me’


GOLDBERG: "So I mentioned, the Hollywood producer in the intro. But you don’t say his name. You call him the monster. You say he raped you in 1997 at the Sundance Film Festival. And — you say in your book, you tell your story. And — I mean — when you read it, it is so — utterly stunning, that you kind of go, whoa. Please tell people what happened."
MCGOWAN: "Well, what happened is — uh — you know, my life got hijacked as it happens to so many, all too many of us, men and women, alike, and everybody. I went into a meeting at 10:00 A.M. and I was in the middle of my second film."

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