Tucker: Feinstein, Schiff Claim If You Support Release of FISA Abuse Memo You’re in League with Putin

‘They suggested that calls to release the memo are simply tactics by right-wing crazies and Vladimir Putin to undermine America’

CARLSON: "Yesterday, those two sent a letter claiming that calls to release the memoir “An ongoing attack by the Russian government to kremlin-linked social media actors directly acting to intervene and influence our democratic process.” Got that? Anyone asking for more transparency from this government, and that would include elected members of government and the show, among others, is participating in a form propaganda campaign that hurts America. In other words, they are. The implication of the letter is that Twitter and Facebook ought to do something to help, by the way, quickly, like sense of the accounts of anyone who wants to see the memo. You would think the memo might have — media might have a big problem with that. For centuries, the media has fight efforts by politicians and those in power to hide unflattering information about themselves. That was noble work. It is the reason the prices mentioned in the First Amendment. They are not doing that anymore. On television today you heard famous anchors make the opposite case. They suggested that calls to release the memo are simply tactics by right-wing crazies and Vladimir Putin to undermine America because they are unpatriotic. And that is when you knew it was over, the long end where the tradition of journalists as watchdogs holding the powerful to account. It turns out that journalists have switched teams. They are with the powerful now. They would like you to shut the hell up."

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