FNC: Source Says Two Prominent W.H. Officials Did Not Recall Trump Asking McCabe Whom He Voted For

‘A senior administration official told me earlier today — ‘


ROBERTS: "A senior administration official told me earlier today the two prominent White House officials in the room and took notes regarding the meeting said they did not recall hearing the president said who did you vote for to then deputy director Mccabe, who is being appointed in interm director of the FBI. In terms of whether it came up about his wife, they said yes, that did come up. They can’t remember the subject of the donation coming up. But anything that I was said about the relationship between Jill Mccabe and Terry Mccullough was said as a joke. In no way did the president upbraid Mccabe. They said that Mccabe knew what it was like to be yelled at by the president and that didn’t help."

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