Vicente Fox on Trump: ‘When You Have Fear Then You React in Favor of the Authoritarian’

‘I think this nation, I sense it has fear since 2011 and it tries to see enemies everywhere, even Mexico, your neighbor’


BRZEZINSKI: "'All false prophets create a heightened sense of looming danger that allows them to consolidate power to a tragic end. Historically, the reaction of the panicked people is to retreat to their respective tribes, and there you see the rise of protectionism, nationalism, populism, xenophobia, nativism, racism, misogyny, and homophobia, with the corresponding reactions of increased hate speech and violence towards anything foreign. Today Trump is the West’s most powerful false prophet.' I think that’s really well put. You saw it with the carnage speech, the way he’s laid out his presidency is to make everything seem a lot worse than it is and that he’s somehow the savior. And now even makes very misleading false statements about the state of our economy, or the state of our country, again, to prop himself up. Is that part of being a false prophet?"
FOX: "It is. It is. And it’s based on -- on fear."
FOX: "Fear. When you have fear then you react in favor of the authoritarian. I’m sorry for my voice."
BRZEZINSKI: "No problem. We can hear you."
FOX: "And that’s -- that's the case with Trump."

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