Marc Short on Dems Caving: They ‘Backed Themselves into an Untenable Position’ They Couldn’t Find a Way out Of

‘We were confused what the strategy was to say we’ll shut down the government’


SHORT: "Honestly, I think Democrats backed themselves into an untenable position, in essence to say here is a continuation of funding for the government plus a bill Democrats have always championed, the Children's Health Insurance Program that reauthorizes insurance for 9 million children, and to say, 'We're fine with the bill, but we're going to shut down the government, stop it, until you deal with this issue here,' when candidly, Bill, we were making significant progress on it. So we were always confused what the strategy, is to say, 'We’ll shut down the government, take all the American troops paychecks hostage, take the Custom and Border Patrol paychecks hostage and 320 million Americans who are law abiding, tax paying citizens to say, 'We’ll stop services to all them to try to solve this issue for 690,000 illegal residents.' So that was always confusing. I think that Democrats got themselves into a corner that they couldn’t really find a way out of."

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