Mulvaney: If Majority Rules Prevailed in the Senate the Gov’t Would Be Open Today

‘We’ve been critical of that 60 vote rule since the president took office’


MULVANEY: "We’ve been critical of that 60 vote rule since the president took office. He tried to shed some light on the fact if ordinary rules prevail the government would be open as of today. It also responds to this constant criticism we hear of oh, you Republicans control the White House and the house and Senate why can’t you just funds the government and the answer is as you’ve just laid out it takes 80 votes in the Senate. We cannot open the government without Senate the Democrat support. We don’t have that which is why we are where we are and one way around it would be to change the 50 vote. Another way would be some of those Democrats who say they want to work in a bipartisan fashion and work with Republicans but don’t. Where are those Democrats that say one thing back home and do something different in Washington."

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