Dershowitz on FISA: Trump ‘Has Personally Experienced This Potential Abuse So I Understand His Concern’
FAULKNER: "You know the president feels strongly that this is what happened with conversations that were being reported with foreign people at Trump Tower. Your thoughts?"
DERSHOWITZ: "The president is somebody who takes matters very personally and he bases a lot of his policies on personal experience. And he has personally experienced this potential abuse, so I understand his concern. But I think his concern should be everybody’s concern. This should not be a partisan issue. Every American, Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, should be concerned about striking the appropriate balance between terrorism, preventing people from trying to hurt us, and protecting the privacy of Americans. It’s not an easy balance to strike. We’ve been trying to do it since eavesdropping first occurred during the time of the revolution. And with now modern technology it’s become even harder. But I think we have to do a better job of striking that balance."