CNN’s Bernstein: Trump’s Gone Farther than Nixon and ‘Tried to Undermine the Credibility of the Press as a National Institution’

‘And reporting, by and large, by the mainstream press (...) has been some of the greatest reporting of the presidency that we have seen in the last 50, 60 years’


BERNSTEIN: "Nixon and water gate tried to make the conduct of the press the issue instead of the conduct of the president and the men around him. Donald Trump has gone even farther. He’s tried to undermine the credibility of the press as a national institution to the detriment of the country by these broad attacks on the press, which really — the press is, in the United States, as our leaders have recognized going back to the days of the early republic, the last Bastian of truth that makes democracy function, yes, we make mistakes and we need to amit our mistakes. We aught not to be too provocative, which we are sometimes with a president who is putting a lot of bait out there. And sometimes we take the bait and get a little petty. I would like to see a lot less of criticizing on our air, the president, for playing golf. Let him play all the golf that he wants. I don’t think that is our job. We’ve got a deadly serious inquiry in front of us."

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