Karl Rove: This Is a Middle Class Tax Cut

‘The people in the middle class get two times the benefit of the top 5% and three times the benefit of the top 1%’

ROVE: "He faces the reality. The reality is the Republican tax reform bill passed without a single democratic vote. It gives most of the benefit to the middle class, it gives the benefit to the people who make between $40 to 200,000 a year. You and I are probably the only two Americans, only two people in the country read the report. The bottom 50% of all filers pay 2% of the tax burden and they get 4.5% of the benefit of the tax cut bill when you look at the individual taxes. 45% of filers who are between 40 to 200,000 income, basically the middle class, they pay about 38% of the taxes today. They get 52% of the tax cut. Most of the tax cut flows to them. At the top, the top 5% who pays 60% of the tax burden, 59.9% today, they give 44% of the tax cut. This is geared more towards the middle class. The people in the middle class get two times the benefit of the top 5% and three times the benefit of the top 1%."

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