Gerald Connolly: Trump’s in ‘Bromance’ with Putin Because Russian Oligarchs ‘Financed Part of His Enterprise’

‘I think the president has a lot of trouble getting that in his head because of his own personal conflicts’


CONNOLLY: “Well, I think that the machinery of the United States government, the defense machinery, the foreign policy machinery has never wavered in understanding that Russia is an adversary and a threat to western values and our own democratic system. I think the president has a lot of trouble getting that in his head because of his own personal conflicts and his own personal needs and relationships with Russians, Russian oligarchs who financed part of his enterprise and his inexplicable admiration, bromance, for Vladimir Putin. And so I think in some ways we’re doing this despite the president. And I think he is a very reluctant signatory to the recent national strategic policy that was announced.”

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