Adam Hodge: Trump’s Attempts to Gut ObamaCare Have ‘Emboldened’ Members of the Democratic Party

‘We’re all happy about repealing the individual mandate but don’t forget ObamaCare has individual mandate’


HODGE: "Well, I think you have to remember that ObamaCare is more popular now than it’s ever been. We’ve seen record sign-ups during the open enrollment period. The Trump Administration actually cut funding for it and shortened the enrollment period. ObamaCare is more popular than ever and you’ve heard not just Mitch McConnell, but you also heard last week Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina saying he didn’t think it made sense to go forward with another attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare. The attempts early this year to gut this law have actually emboldened members of my party. You see more and more people signing up to run for office and that’s what is leading to this huge wave of enthusiasm and momentum that will lead to a really strong performance from Democrats next year."

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