Dem. Sen. Van Hollen: ‘People Are Catching on’ Trump’s Tax Bill and It’s Becoming Unpopular

‘Nowhere in it do they get rid of the one tax giveaway special break that Donald Trump focused on most during the campaign’

VAN HOLLEN: "I don’t know how it got in. What we do know is they’re behind closed doors. There are a whole army of lobbyists who were surround them, and the longer they’re in there, the more you see these special interest provisions, George, which as you indicate would be a windfall to Donald Trump based on everything we know. Of course, he hasn’t released his tax returns. It remind mes of the fact that during the campaign, the one issue Donald Trump used as exhibit “a” for why this tax code was broken was the carried interest loophole for hedge fund managers. He said during the campaign that hedge fund managers are getting away with murder. You just heard Senator Cornyn, they have got a 1,000-page bill. Nowhere in it do they get rid of the one tax giveaway special break that Donald Trump focused on most during the campaign. And that is why this is a total betrayal of that economic populist message and people are catching on. That’s why it’s so unpopular."

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