Fox News’ Doocy: A Big Finger Is Pointed at McConnell for Roy Moore’s Loss

‘They are really mad at the establishment as they have been, especially Mitch McConnell’

DOOCY: "But this is not over here at the Moore campaign election night headquarters. Something extraordinary happened about 2 minutes before you guys came to me, and MC went up to the stage and said to a very somber crowd, I know that some of the networks have started to call the race for Doug Jones, but we are not ready to call it in the MC then left the stage. They are playing some poppy music right now trying to get the crowd going. You can see they've still got "The New York Times" projection that shows some right counties in blue counties and that away for a little while because they switched over to the local news that still hadn't called it, but as soon as the race was called the local affiliate took a shot of Jones headquarters where people work standing behind Doug McKelway celebrating, cheering, drinking beer. That quickly was taken off of the screen. A much different scene here right now. There's a lot of confidence at the beginning of the night. Their work calling at the mix and mingle time before Roy Moore got here. A lot of folks have left, some who were standing are now sitting. Still haven't seen Roy Moore on the stage, but he is on the premises, and we do expect at some point if they do concede, which all the networks say at some point is going to be the result, including fox, we expect to see a big finger pointed at Mitch McConnell. My understanding talking to folks here and talking to the folks who really, really were trying to help Roy Moore win. If you want was going to be next to President Trump and all of his supporters. The rally in Pensacola nearby, the calls that were out and even turned into a radio ad that we are driving from Birmingham to Montgomery today. But if Moore lost, it would be squarely at Mcconnell's fault, and so at some point, again no update on the timing, whether we will hear from Moore soon or a surrogate soon, but we do expect a singular focus, at least based on what we were hearing before the election was called. They are really mad at the establishment as they have been, especially Mitch McConnell."

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