Haley: Since I’ve Been There, the UN’s Repeatedly Attacked Israel for no Reason

‘We see Israel as one of our best allies’

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WALLACE: I want to talk about something else that happened this week. You spoke before the U.N. Security Council when they met on this subject and you called out some of your fellow ambassadors. Here you are.


HALEY: Over many years, the United Nations has outrageously been at the world’s foremost centers of hostility towards Israel. The U.N. has done much more damage to the prospects for Middle East peace than to advance them.


WALLACE: Why, ambassador, why was that helpful?

HALEY: Because it’s the — it’s the facts. I mean ever since I have gotten to the United Nations, there have been repeated attempts to hit Israel for no reason whatsoever. Israel bashing sessions, constantly trying to find ways to pick at them and — and we’ve seen that start to diminish. But I want the Security Council and all of the international community to understand, when you bully Israel, you are not helping the peace process. And we see Israel as one of our best allies. We’re not going to put up with it any more. So when we see it, we call them out on it.

It’s time for them to realize that all of these things they’ve done to Israel have only hurt the process. We need to treat Palestinians and Israelis fairly. We need to hope that they both come together for a peaceful solution and we need to support both of them. That has not happened for years in the United Nations, but it’s started to happen now.

WALLACE: Now, there has been a suggestion of a resolution to criticize or condemn the president’s move in the Security Council. Of course you would veto that. So the suggestion is perhaps it would the U.N. General Assembly that would pass a resolution. What would the U.S. reaction be to that?

HALEY: Oh, I would have a strong reaction to that. We have the right to do whatever we want in terms of where we put our embassies. We don’t need other countries telling us what’s right and wrong.

And, you know, what I have always said is, if we are honest, if we tell the truth, that’s when peace comes. And this was the president telling the world the truth. And this was him going through with the will of the American people who had asked for 22 years to get this done. And he had the courage to show it and I think a lot of Americans are — having a huge sigh of relief because of it. And now, hopefully, we can see the peace process really come together.

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