Erick Erickson: Jerusalem Is Why Trump’s In the White House

‘President Trump is making the most grievous sin a politician can make in Washington’


[clip starts]
TRUMP: "We finally acknowledge the obvious that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. ... I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. ... While previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver. Today I am delivering."
[clip ends]
DOOCY: "He did indeed yesterday. President Trump making good on campaign promise declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and beginning the process to move the embassy there from Tel Aviv, as soon as the State Department can find some land. Our next guest argues actions like that one, the reason why President Trump is in the White House. Here to explain, Fox News contributor Erick Erickson. Good morning to you Erick."
ERICKSON: "Good morning."
DOOCY: "OK. So the headline in your op-ed on, 'Jerusalem is why Trump’s in the White House', what are you talking about?"
ERICKSON: "Well President Trump is making the most grievous sin a politician can make in Washington. He's actually doing what all the politicians in Washington say they want to do and they know they don’t have to. He's taking them at their word. I mean, just like he took Republicans at their word they wanted to repeal ObamaCare when they probably didn’t. He is moving capital recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which by the way it alrady is. He's just recognizing reality." 

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