Huckabee Sanders: Trump’s ‘Not Going to Sleep’ Till He Does Everything He Can to Protect Us from N. Korea

‘This is a president who is not going to sleep and not going to stop until he does every single thing he can to make sure we’re doing all that we can to protect people of this country’


HEMMER: “It seems like a tender moment. We’ll see where it goes next to be patched up. On North Korea, how do we live with a nuclear North Korea?” 
HUCKABEE SANDERS: “I think this is one of the reasons that the move the Democrats made yesterday was so disgraceful because that’s a real threat, because that’s a real problem, because that’s something that we have to address. They should have come and sat down at the table and helped make sure that they were part of the process of protecting Americans. This is a president who is not going to sleep and not going to stop until he does every single thing he can to make sure we’re doing all that we can --”
HEMMER: “Right. And I know --”
HUCKABEE SANDERS: “-- to protect people of this country.”
HEMMER: “Yeah.”
HUCKABEE SANDERS: “He said earlier today we’re going to continue putting maximum pressure on North Korea, we’re going to do it by increasing and adding additional sanctions. We’re going to do that by continuing to work with our partners and allies in China, try to push Russia to take a bigger and bolder stand to put more pressure on North Korea. We’re committed to doing that, and we hope that Chuck and Nancy Pelosi will come to the table and be part of that process.” 

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