Harris Faulkner: Dems Canceling on Trump ‘Could Really Backfire’ on Them

‘You have a situation where maybe guys like Ron Johnson and those six wild cards — maybe they say you know what, if the Democrats are going to play like that, let’s look harder for ways to compromise and let’s all say yes on this deal’


FAULKNER: " This is theatrical. We have to remember the larger context. Pull back the lens and look at what we are really talking about. We are really talking about, this summer when Donald Trump through Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan under the bus and data deal with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to get this stuff moved on. They talked about DACA at the time and it was really about spending and the debt ceiling and they said we will roll this to the end of the year. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan walked out of the meeting and said what happened? Trump said I am not going to die on this hill. Going into this one, trump is trying to rev up the Republicans. He is trying to say we are all on a team here, we are all Republicans. He starts out the day and smacks around Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi with the tweet. You saying I don’t want to get a deal because they are going to raise taxes. They are not proposing a tax increase. He does a little stagecraft to erase from their mind — trust me when would you have grass of the Democrats would’ve canceled? You got what you wanted last time. We talked about this on “Outnumbered,” you have a situation where maybe guys like Ron Johnson and those six wild cards — maybe they say you know what, if the Democrats are going to play like that, let’s look harder for ways to compromise and let’s all say yes on this deal. This could really backfire on Democrats." 

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