Gillibrand Backs off Claim Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned over Monica

‘We have should a very different consideration about President Trump’

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HUNT: "We are in a moment this has changed — the context has changed over the last 20 years. You told “The New York Times” that Bill Clinton should have resigned over the Lewinsky affair."
GILLBRAND: "My point is that the tolerance that we had 25 years ago, what was allowed 25 years ago, will not be tolerated today. Is not allowed today. And that we have to have the kind of oversight and accountability that society needs so that we can protect people in the workplace. People can function without having an unsafe work environment. Whether it’s in the —"
HUNT: "You are saying president Clinton created an unsafe work environment?"
GILLIBRAND: "No, the conversation we’re having today is really important and the behavior tolerated a long time ago would never be tolerated today, and we can’t allow it to be tolerated today. That, in fact, all of us needs to recognize — none of us are above this. And all of us have to be responsible for how we create a workplace in our own office, from my office, how we do our oversight in Congress with providing better oversight over the military which is our job. With title nine on college campuses. We have to do our job. We are all responsible. And we all have to understand that time has changed and we have to hold people and elected leaders should not be held to the lowest standard. They should be held to the highest standard. I focused on trying to change the rules of the game because they’re not fair and they’re not working."
HUNT: If Bill Clinton were president today and those incidents were unfold —"
GILLIBRAND: "It would have been a very different conversation. We have should a very different consideration about President Trump."

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