Dan Bongino: The GOP ‘Will Be Toast If They Follow the Jeff Flake Model of Chaos and Open Borders’

‘Jeff Flake, if you are listening to me, trust me, you are not the guy’


BONGINO: "You want — this is embarrassing. You are the guy, the guy on the hot Mike who is talking hey, Jeff flake, you’re the guy. Note to Jeff flake you weren’t even the guy in your own state. You can’t even win re-election. I mean, does he realize that — they are right about one thing, the party will be toast. If they follow the Jeff flake model of chaos on open borders. Has there been a Republican proposal that has been so roundly rejected than the gang of eight amnesty program that Jeff flake and his buddies on the so-called Republican side try to force on America? I mean, really, has there been a proposal that has resulted in so — you know, so much backlash amongst real Republican voters? What is this guy? He is the guy? Jeff flake, if you are listening to me trust me, you are not the guy." 

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