Erin Burnett Does Segment on Dog with an Inflamed Ear that Resembles Trump’s Face

‘Check out what’s in the ear of a beagle in Britain named Chief’

BURNETT: "President Trump has a new doppelganger and it's not what you think. Here's Jeanne Moos."
[clip starts]
MOOS (voice-over): "We like seeing things, Jesus in a Cheeto, the Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese. A question mark on a cow. 
(on camera): "Does he have any punctuation mark on him?"
(voice-over): "But if you think you've had an ear full, Donald Trump, check out what's in the ear of a beagle in Britain named Chief. Brace yourself.  Some howled with laughter."(LAUGHTER)
MOOS: "Others found it violently upsetting. Owner Jade Robinson (ph) was talking photos of her beagle's ears to give to the vet because Chief had an ear infection. A friend first noticed the resemblance. 
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She'd say, it's something in the ear. She's like it's Donald Trump. 
MOOS:" Jade posted the photo to Facebook, Chief went viral."
(on camera): "Is it an inflammation? Is it an infection? What is it that looks like Donald Trump?"
(voice-over): "Apparently, the infection caused the inner ear to become."
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:" Inflamed and red."
MOOS: "Josh Groban who once sang Trump tweets, sent this tweet about the ear image: it's like a fetus Trump is whispering into the ear, I'm disturbed but can't look away. Someone else replaced the real's president Trump's head with Chief's ear. As bills from the vet mounted, Jade started a Crowdfunding page was start requested donations soon surpassed her goal of around $600. As for Chief, his ears are improving for treatment. 

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