Conway: Trump Was Responding to Kim Jong Un Who Had Insulted Him First

‘I look at the full context of his entire trip and everything that he’s trying to do’

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RADDATZ: Let’s talk about what else he said about North Korea. President Trump tweeted this yesterday from Vietnam: “why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me old when I would never call him short and fat,” which is apparently trending on Twitter right now. “Oh, well I tried so hard to be his friend. And maybe some day that will happen.”

How is that helpful?

CONWAY: I think the whole trip is very helpful. I believe that...

RADDATZ: How is that helpful? How is that helpful?

CONWAY: Martha, what’s helpful in full context is a 13-day trip where the president is very focused on global security and combating terrorism, and most importantly containing a nuclearized North Korea.

North Korea is everyone’s business. This man has been on the job for nine or ten months. We inherited a mess, including a nuclearized North Korea, including the Iran deal, including many hot spots around the globe that he is trying, when he’s here at his desk and when he’s abroad on these trips. He’s trying to make better on behalf of everyone.

RADDATZ: And you think name-calling is helpful? Calling somebody short and fat?

CONWAY: I think that that was a — the president just responding the way he does to somebody who insulted him first, but I look at the full context of his entire trip and everything that he’s trying to do. I think it’s been an incredibly successful and inspiring trip for those who care about North Korea not being nuclearized, for those who care about free trade in this country, for those who care about trade agreements that don’t keep screwing Americans and American workers, for those who care about Syria and what happens with China.

I mean, what this president has been able to do with leaders around the world, the cooperation is up. They have announced big new deals here, which affect American workers and American interests. And that, plus the tax cuts that we’re going to get very soon, I think it’s why you see the stock market and consumer confidence at all highs. People like what they see.

RADDATZ: OK, thanks very much, Kellyanne for joining us.

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