CNN’s Jim Acosta: ‘Not Every Country in the Region’ Wants to Hear Trump’s ‘Bellicose Rhetoric’

‘So the question is going to be does he calibrate that language when he gets to South Korea?’


ACOSTA: "Absolutely. I think, you know, there are going to be times during this trip, Christie, where he’s going to be talking over us. He’s going to be talking over whichever country he’s in at that moment, and he’s going to be speaking to Americans back at home. He not only has a lot of people in the middle, a lot of moderates, a lot of independent Americans concerned about the direction of his presidency. He has got to keep that base at home. And with this Russia investigation unfolding day after day, drip after drip, shoe dropping after shoe dropping he understand as that investigation goes, so does his presidency. And that’s why he’s trying to make the case again and again the economy is doing well under his administration. I think a lot of what we’re going to be focused on is the threat posed by North Korea. I think that is why you heard the president engaged in some of that tough talk here. But, again, we’ve talked about this before, how does he calibrate that language as he travels throughout the region? As you were speaking with our colleagues earlier, not everyone country in the region wants to hear that bellicose rhetoric. And South Korea doesn’t go over as well. So the question is going to be does he calibrate that language when he gets to South Korea? But in the meantime he’s making it very clear he has have a very clear relationship with the Japanese prime minister shinzo Abe. We think we’ll see pictures of them playing golf, and they’ll have dinner later tonight. One of the things that’s divided is President Trump pulled the United States out of the transpacific partnership initiated by Barack Obama. It’ll be interesting to see how the two handle that when they come face-to-face tomorrow. I suppose that issue could come up. No question about it, Christie, I think this issue of north Korea is just going to be there stop after stop throughout this foreign trip. The president is going to have to deal with that question on almost a daily basis. I also think it was interesting as the president was landing here in Japan he was telling reporters on air force one, yes it looks like he’s going to be meeting with Vladimir Putin. One would have thought perhaps out of caution the president wouldn’t have wanted that image, that optic out there. He was telling reporters on air force one as he was landing here, he’d like to have that help of Vladimir Putin when it comes with dealing with north Korea. And it looks like in a matter of days we’ll have that image of President Trump, Vladimir Putin here in the next several days."

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