Eric Schiffer: Donna Brazile Expose ‘Vindicates Trump’ that Electoral System Is ‘Rigged’

‘To be fair, he was talking about rigged overall, not just the Democratic Party but he did at some time specify the Democratic Party’

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CASONE: "Democrats, Eric, are not holding back. They're attacking on his rigged comments. Should they have been investigating this instead?"
SCHIFFER: "I think that I hope that they will and I think that it's going to be investigated. I mean this is a very bizarre situation, especially in light of Trump's comments. Now you know, to be fair, he was talking about rigged overall, not just the Democratic Party but he did at some time specify the Democratic Party. In this case, you have such an insider that is making comments that require there to be an investigation. It's highly unusual to have an agreement of this nature that would give the kind of control that apparently Hillary Clinton got in this situation. Bernie standers fans, the supporters of Sanders, they have to be outraged at this point and it vindicates Trump in a large degree with respect to the whole issue of rigged. No question about it."

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