Dem. NY County Legislator Really Freak out Over Traffic Stop for Speeding Ticket

The video released earlier this week of my town of Ulster traffic stop captured a tough moment for me

Watch Dem. NY County Legislator REALLY Freak Out Over Traffic Stop for Speeding Ticket (Mediaite)

A New York county legislator was caught on police dash cam as she had a major league meltdown after being stopped and given a ticket for speeding.

Ulster County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) was in Kingston, NY when she was pulled over earlier this year for driving over the speed limit. During the 30 minute encounter with Officer Gary Short, Berky had a panic attack in which she started hyperventilating, claimed to have PTSD, and made several complaints about the inconvenience of the stop.

The video was released last week due to several FOIL requests after months of suppression. Berry has offered an apologetic statement for her behavior while calling the stop a “humbling experience.”

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