Byron York: ‘Unusual Situation’ for a Media Outlet to Hire a Political Opposition Firm

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PIRRO: "Paul Singer was someone that was anti-Trump as well?"
YORK: "Very much so. Certainly in the never Trump camp. Later endorsed Marco Rubio. And actually wanted to somehow stop trump at the convention. There is a last ditch effort. Mr. Singer was very anti-Trump at the time.
PIRRO: "Do we know who else — did they seek this opposition research on? I understand it was not just Donald Trump.
YORK: "That’s a good question in the answer is I do not know. They did say tonight when the free beacon acknowledged my report — they published an acknowledgment. They said in the fall of 2015, Donald Trump was the leading candidate if you remember back then. In the fall of 2015, they started this opposition research project with Fusion GPS, looking at the multiple Republican candidates including Donald Trump. Unclear who those other ones are."
PIRRO: "Going forward, the Washington Free Beacon has said we basically did not do any of this stuff based upon a request by individuals. Are they saying who the individuals are?"
YORK: "Look, a lot of people — there had been gossip that this was a pulsing or operation. People have said he was the one behind all of this. But the Free Beacon is saying is that Singer is a major funder but the Free Beacon has in the past used, employed, retained opposition research. If it was something like that, I’ve got to say this is not standard journalistic practice. You go to places like the Washington Examiner or The Washington Post or any other organization and they do not go around hiring political opposition research firms. This is an unusual situation."
PIRRO: "Clearly if there is investigative reporters, they wouldn’t subcontract someone. Byron, stay with us."

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