Michael Caputo: No Way Podesta, Wasserman Weren’t Lying on Trump Dossier Funds

‘I’ve been informed by sources close to the intelligence community that I myself was unmasked because of this dossier’


MacCALLUM: "Yeah, but if the — Michael I want you to comment on this, if it turns out that that dossier was used as a substance for the investigation that was opened, unmasking that was done of members of the Clinton campaign team, it raises the kinds of questions that I brought up, whether or not there was a concerted effort on the part of these parties to find a way to undermine the Trump campaign, Michael."
CAPUTO: "No question. In fact I’ve been informed by sources close to the intelligence community that I myself was unmasked because of this dossier. I’ve been told it’s not just 100 trump associates or hundreds it’s over 1000 that were unmasked, a lot of it due to the claims that were made in this dossier. I know some of the people who were used as sources in this dossier. It’s a caricature of intelligence. Somehow or another this cartoon has been driving investigation into people like me and my friends and the president of the United States. This is a travesty. By the way the chairman of the campaign and the chairman of the DNC most definitely knew about this and there is no way they weren’t lying when they said they didn’t."

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