Chris Coons: We Need to Encourage Trump To Be More of a Unifier

‘I frankly think what matters most is we encourage our current president to be more of a unifier’


BLITZER: 'What’s your reaction to that? Because it was the president who brought general Kelly into this entire conversation."
COONS: "That’s right. And my hunch is that general Kelly and any family that has lost someone in combat would rather not be made into a political football either way. As I said before, I think it’s important for us to reduce the amount of pollicization here of questions that the president first brought up about who does and who doesn’t reach out to the families of the fallen. In my experience, president Obama took very seriously his responsibilities in the times that I joined him at a dignified transfer ceremony in Dover, but I frankly think what matters most is we encourage our current president to be more of a unifier and that all of us involved in politics focus on the losses of those who served and lost their lives in the line of duty."

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