Zakaria: GOP Has an ‘Impetuous, Mercurial Showman’ with Trump and the Result Is What Jeb Predicted, ‘Chaos’

‘In foreign policy, the damage might be even greater’


ZAKARIA: "But first, here’s my take. When running against Donald Trump, Jeb Bush made a prediction about his highly unusual rival. He said that trump was a chaos candidate and that he would become a chaos president. Bush fed badly in the primaries but that prediction is remarkably accurate. President Trump has thrown grenades in the health care system and with no replacement, strategy or solution. Various lists have been compiled on day one of the administration. Label China a currency ma manip late for. Mostly he was talk without much action. And on September 3rd, he tweeted that the U.S. Was considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea. This was obviously a dig at China and massive threat to the global economic system, it would trigger a seismic recession. They responded this time by saying nothing. They didn’t bother to reply. Beijing has seemed to understood it’s Donald Trump, don’t take it too seriously. Perhaps sensing he was increasingly seen as a paper tiger, trump in recent weeks has become much more assertive. While he’s still been unable to accomplish much by way of major policy, despite having majorities in both houses of Congress, he’s become much more aggressive in his rhetoric and executive action. Trump has decided to act but not in a strategic manner with a new policy with key allies that disrupt existing policy without actually replacing it with an alternative framework. The result in health care will be uncertainty, pain and confusion. Various groups and governments will go to court and people will find it even harder to plan for the future and bank on having access to health care. In foreign policy, the damage might be even greater. The United States is now blasting an international agreement without exiting the agreement. It’s taking shots at the fame work and then staying within it, sort of. The result is a foreign policy that is not just unpredictable but incoherent. Trump has signaled to countries like North Korea never to make a deal with North America because even if we sign, we might upend the agreement anyway. Trump’s actions suggest that his administration cannot even stay the course for a few years, let alone 100. Donald Trump’s national security team, the so-called grown-ups, have signed on to this contradictory policy towards Iran, which is a sad sign that they value their jobs more than their reputations. Republicans used to pride themselves in being the party that was serious about foreign policy, committed to order, continuity and credibility. Instead now they have a showman and the result is just what Jeb Bush predicted, chaos. And let’s get started.

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