Woolsey: Iran Nuke Deal ‘Really Is a Fraud’
WOOLSEY: "The Obama White House and some members of the foreign relations committee. They knew they could not get it approved as a treaty, even though the seriousness is designed to be a treaty. They knew they couldn’t get it approved, so they fiddled around with the filibuster rule and came out with a way in which they could get by the Senate with only 1/3 of the Senate instead of 2/3. Well, you know, 1/3 is close enough for government work, right? No. There’s a very fundamental problem with this agreement. And I think that another problem with it is that as you move forward, let’s suppose you and I are U.N. Inspectors. We hear about radioactive soil, so we go to the Iranians and say, we want to inspect this and they say, fine. After an hour, we’re under way and they stop our car and they say, I’m sorry. You can’t go there. That’s a military facility. And we say, what do you mean? Well, you know, we made it a military facility 5 minutes ago, so you cannot inspect it. That’s the nature of this so-called agreement. It really is a fraud."