CNN: Russia Used ‘Pokemon Go’ to Meddle in Presidential Election

‘Exploiting racial tensions by Pokemon Go would be funny if it were not so troubling’

BYERS: "We learned the Russians tried to use pokemon go, augmented reality video game, to effectively galvanize African-American outrage over police brutality, over police killings of African-American men. It, you know, the idea that Russians are, you know, exploiting racial tensions by Pokemon Go would be funny if it were not so troubling. They actually created this contest sending people out to find pokemon and name them after victims of police brutality, and they said that whoever won the contest would be awarded with Amazon prime gift cards, but, look, on a more serious note, the fact that the Russians were sophisticated and strategic enough to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, tumblr, pokemon go and effectively create an ecosystem where the messages were reenforced for any vulnerable leader, who is vulnerable to any sort of politically charged messaging, you know, it just speaks to how deep and widespread this effort was by the Russians, by this troll farm known as the interpret research agency."

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