Trump: NBC Report Is ‘Disgusting;’ I Never Discussed Increasing Nuclear Arms

‘That was just fake news by NBC’


TRUMP: "No, I never discussed increasing it. I want it in perfect shape. That was just fake news by NBC which gives a lot of fake news lately. No, I never discussed it. I think somebody said I want ten times the nuclear weapons that we have right now. Right now we have so many nuclear weapons. I want them in perfect condition, perfect shape. That’s the only thing I have ever discussed. General Mattis put out a statement, or is putting out a statement, saying that that was fake news, that it was just mentioned that way. It’s frankly disgusting the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write, and people should look into it. No, I want to have absolutely perfectly maintained, which we are in the process of doing, nuclear force. But when they said I want ten times what we have right now, it’s totally unnecessary, believe me. Because I know what we have right now."

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