Dan Bongino: ‘Beyond Disgusting’ for Schumer to Invoke Memories of the Vegas Victims; ‘He Should Be Ashamed’

‘And he is an example, by the way, of everything wrong with modern politics’


BONGINO: "We can’t talk to these people because they’re not here. Because they were murdered by a maniac in Las Vegas. And, frankly, I’m disgusted with these swamp rat political creature animals who go in to deep sea and do what Chuck Schumer did. If I could talk to the dead and all of a sudden they would tell us the NRA is responsible for it and then he says another thing which is typical of a chuck Schumer political animal. He says we should be doing something. You know what? We are doing something. Do you know what I do? I go home and I make sure my family is prepared in the case of an emergency. I have two daughters. Do you know what I do? I legally carry a responsible — a firearm responsibly because I’m a dad. And I have a home and a wife and a family I care about to defend. And the idea that we should continually be on the defensive, guys, and have to defend ourselves legal, law abiding responsible gun owners because of the acts of a homicidal maniac is disgusting. The fact that the Democrats, some, not all, but people like Chuck Schumer invoke the memories of the dead, victims of this crime and they do it to leverage a political narrative, narrative that somehow we’re at fault? The good American people who just W left alone is beyond disgusting. He should be ashamed. And he is an example, by the way, of everything wrong with modern politics. Reason goes out the window. Emotion dominates and it’s attack, attack, attack the other side. Instead of getting an actual problem solved. It’s disgusting. "

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